Do you exercise? If yes great, keep it up. If your answer is no then ask yourself “why not”?
Research has shown over and over again that a successful weight loss plan is one that incorporates exercising along with a modified diet. Exercising along with healthy eating is a more efficient and reliable way to lose and control your weight. Remember everything we eat contains calories and calories translate into energy for our bodies to use. Everything we do with our bodies require energy, if we are not using the energy food supplies for our bodies we are storing them as fat. Exercising is a great way to burn the excess calories we take in daily. If you are trying to lose weight start with your eating habits first. Begin taking note of what you are eating, how much you are eating and why you are eating the way you are. Once you begin to take note of your diet, the process of modification can begin. Maybe it’s as simple for you as limiting or removing sugary drinks including sodas from your diet, or eating smaller portions of starches, whatever it is begin that process then move into exercising. Though some studies show that weight loss can occur with either modification to unhealthy eating habits, or an increase in activities the experts all agree that the two concepts work better as a pair and results last longer.
Other benefits of exercising:
1. One of my favorite reasons to exercise is relieving stress. Exercising helps us feel better, and look better. When we feel better as individuals we have a more positive outlook and is therefore able to deal with stress a lot better. Limiting stress also limits eating for comfort.
2. Regular exercise helps reduce your risk for high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. If you have high blood pressure exercising helps control and may even lower your blood pressure. Exercising improves your heart overall health and increase your heart working ability.
3. Exercising reduces fat, and can help to reduce and control the effects of type 2 diabetes.
4. Other benefits of exercising include increasing bones mass, treatment and prevention of back and joint pains and building strength and endurance.
Things to remember:
1. If you are already exercising make sure to switch up your routine. Our body easily becomes conditioned to routine activity. If you are walking a mile gage yourself, increase your pace and the number of miles you walk each week. Doing the same activity over and over again can cause you to stop the weight loss progress or slow it down. Continue to challenge yourself weekly or as it is fitting for you to do so.
2. Not yet working out thinking about it, start off slow. One of the easiest way to begin a regular exercise regiment is to do something you enjoy doing. It could be going for a 15 minute jog, walking for 30 minutes, dancing to your favorite songs as long as it gets your heart pumping and your breathing is increased it is physical activity.
3. To prevent injury start and end all workout with at least 10 minutes of stretching.
Exercising is one of the best ways to relieve stress, keep your heart healthy and lose weight. What are you waiting for? Get Moving!!
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